Construction & CDM
CDM 2015
Construction, Design & Management
The new CDM 2015 Regulations place duties on all those who can contribute to the health and safety of a construction project. The Regulations give specific duties to Clients, Principal Designers, Designers, Principle Contractors, Contractors and Workers, and require each “duty holder” to understand and fulfill their obligations on a construction project.
This may include the production of certain documents that will assist the management of a project and provide information to the people involved. The degree of detail as well as the time and effort required to comply with your legal duties need only be in proportion to the nature, size and level of health and safety risks involved in the project.
Therefore for small projects with minimal health and safety risks, you will only be required to take simple, straightforward steps and few, if any, specialist skills will be needed.
MBHS supports many small contractors with their CDM responsibilities throughout the UK and can provide a range of services to duty holders helping them ensure a smooth transition to CDM 2015.
Contact us for more information.
Key CDM 2015 Change
CDM,Coordinator role replaced by a ‘Principal Designer’.
Clients,are required to appoint a ‘Principal Designer’ for all projects involving,more than one contractor (trade contractor) on site at one time.
Clients’,duties strengthened.
Several,of the previous functions of the CDM Co-ordinator are now to be carried out,by the Clients directly, and the wording for these duties is more onerous.,Additionally the Client has a new duty to ensure that both the Principal Designer,and Principal Contractor comply with their duties.
Client’s,“key project advisor” role removed.
Previously,the CDM Co-ordinator acted as the “key project advisor in respect of,construction health and safety”, however under CDM2015 the Principal Designer,only has to provide advice to the Client with respect to Pre-Construction,Information. Accordingly, Clients that need help with their duties are,advised in the HSE Guidance Document to seek competent specialist advice.
Duties,to be applicable to domestic projects.
For,domestic projects involving more than one contractor the Principal Contractor,will normally assume the Client duties. The domestic Client can choose to,appoint a Principal Designer for the project. However if they do not make,this appointment, the first Designer appointed during the pre-construction,phase becomes the Principal Designer for the project.
Principal,Designer and Principal Contractor required for all projects with more than,one “trade” Contractor on site.
Clients,must appoint both a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor. Principal,Designer’s duties include identifying and controlling risks, assisting the,Client in the production of Pre-Construction Information, and the preparation,of the Health and Safety File. Principal Contractor duties include the,planning, management and co-ordination of construction phase of the project.
Construction,Phase Plan is required for all projects.
The,Client is to ensure that a Construction Phase Plan, provided by the,Contractor or Principal Contractor, is in place before any works commence.
Threshold, for notification
Notification,to the HSE is required for any project exceeding 30 construction days with 20,or more workers, or if the project exceeds 500 person days.
'Explicit,competence’ requirements removed.
The,Client will need to ensure those that are to be appointed (i.e. Designer,,Contractor or Principal Contractor and Principal Designer) can demonstrate,appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision.