Not enough ‘Elf ‘n Safety’? The Daily Mirror thinks so
We are accustomed to headlines about ‘health and safety gone mad’. But in an article in the The decision by Dedham Primary School to equip children aged 4 to 5 with hard hats, hi-viz jackets and clipboards, and to set up sub-committees that carried out risk assessments, has caused som...
The HSE has worked with the National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) to produce a new guidance sheet to inform and train those who have to cut roofing tiles to size – an innately...
At the time of writing, October 2012, the new Fee for Intervention (FFI) has been in effect for a few days, for dutyholders who are regulated by the HSE. (FFI does not yet apply to HSE...
The Health & Safety Executive’s Communities, for health and safety consultants and other professionals in the safety industry, include a very enlightening Should Health & Safety be taught in primary schools?
New Guidance on cutting roof tiles with cutting discs
FFI and construction safety – what does it mean for you?
Asbestos – why confuse NNLW with new Regulations?