
Reversing excavator injures construction worker

On any building site, the movement of vehicles is a particular health and safety concern – and this case shows why.

The contracting firm of SD Launchbury Ltd, of Evesham, Worcs, was...


Building safety abuses lead to jail for developer

In construction health and safety court cases, it is not unheard of for serial or serious offenders to receive a suspended prison sentence. Much rarer are the cases where someone is actually...


Untrained worker falls from scaffolding

It is essential to good building safety practice that workers are trained before carrying out any work, and that the proper precautions are observed. In this sad case, neither of these...


UK Health & Safety “World Class” says HSE

It is not often that you hear the Health & Safety Executive saying positive things about the state of workplace safety in the UK: it is their mission, after all, to chide and chase business to...
